
7 Successful Ways to Stay Active and Healthy This Fall

Successful Ways to Stay Active

Fall is a real treat for the senses, with its crisp air, pumpkin smell and gorgeous scenery of colorful, fallen leaves. But that’s not everything autumn is about.

Some consider it a second spring, which also makes it a great time to adopt new habits, set new goals and give yourself time to recharge and refresh. If you want to do that, here are 7 successful ways to fall into health and stay active and in shape this season and become a better you in the year ahead.

Enjoy the weather

Sweater weather can be a great time to exercise outdoors and enjoy a little bit of sun in the process. The cooler temperatures allow you to do all sorts of outdoor activities such as walking, jogging or biking without sweating your heart out.

It is the perfect time to discover new park trails and take in new sceneries while doing some fitness sessions and staying fit. If you live near the beach you could play volleyball or frisbee with your dog, or go canoeing if you’re close to a lake. Use nature in your favor!

Start something new

Ever thought of starting a new activity like tap dance, in-line skating or learning to ride a bike? Fall is the perfect moment to follow on that idea and start something new.

Experts actually recommend learning something new in autumn because this gives you the opportunity to master that skill by spring or summer and burn the right number of calories in time for swimsuit season.

In addition, most fitness classes start in fall and include all sorts of intriguing activities at very good prices.  So, go ahead and ramp up your fitness!

Rejuvenate yourself

A new skill acquired in autumn cannot go without a new you, in terms of body, mind, and spirit.

Apart from physical exercise, try to incorporate wellness activities that make you feel good, mentally and spiritually. Try meditating or get a massage. Go to an art class and let your imagination take over.

In order to be able to sustain your body after a workout, you need your mind to be relaxed and strong. Remember, strength of mind is also a type of exercise!

Embrace night time

With so many exercises and activities you could do outdoors, it’s a pity the sun goes down earlier in autumn and you don’t seem to have enough time or energy to do anything anymore.

But evenings should not stand in the way of your fitness goals.  Whether it’s early in the morning and the sun is not fully out or early in the evening, wear a reflective vest, light on your helmet (if any) or have a flashlight with you and you should be able to safely perform your activities.

Stay safe and in shape at the same time!

Clean your pantry

If fall is the time to learn something new, then why not make it also the time to start a new habit in terms of what you eat. A new you deserves a new nutrition plan. Which means your pantry needs an overhaul!

First step: get rid of junk food and anything that’s processed. You have so much healthier alternatives like lean meat, fruits, and vegetables full of vitamins and minerals. If you’re a snack enthusiast, replace unhealthy chips or crackers with carrots or trail mixes.

It could be your chance to try organic products from the food market and enjoy their endless benefits.

Eat more color

There’s no other season when you can find such a great variety of colorful vegetables and fruits. Fall is the only time you can indulge in fresher and more nutritious produce, full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help you fight off free radicals, viruses and whatever the cold season throws at you.

Apart from keeping you healthy and energized, a colorful diet can also help you lose weight and stay fit. That’s because filling up your plate with veggies also fills you up, leaving less space for foods that are high in calories and fat.

Get rid of the scale

People generally use the scale as an indicator of their weight and subsequently their health. But more and more emerging studies show that the scale might not be the best tool to define your health.

Specialists warn that it is not the pounds that indicate the health of an individual but the waist size and body shape. Most people carry extra weight around their waist, which is three times more dangerous than being flabby all over.

Therefore, as a rule of thumb, use the tape measure and get rid of the scale! If you’re still not convinced, check this post right here to find out more about the scale and its relation to weight loss!

The Captain

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