6 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room

By The Captain April 6, 2020

3) Incorporate bits of nature into your meditation room

6 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room 16 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room 2
6 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room 3Nature has a mesmerizing and soothing effect on our mind and body, therefore, it’s only natural to want to incorporate it into your meditation space. In fact, many believe that mediation is all about your mental and physical connection with nature and your surroundings.

To infuse your room with harmony and soothing scents, consider natural plants like this Jasmin pot or even artificial plants such as this life-like plant, which will surely improve the mood in your room.

Don’t forget to find a place for an indoor water fountain, which is a must-have meditation item. It will not only drown the sound of the bustling city but also fill your ears with a soft, calming sound.



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Wellness Captain