6 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room

By The Captain April 6, 2020

4) Listen to meditation music

6 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room 16 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room 2
6 Secrets to a Blissful DIY Meditation Room 3 Music is not a must, but the magical combination of music and meditation refreshes you from within and rejuvenates your mind. Meditative music is especially useful if you live in a busy area and want to drown the sounds of traffic constantly coming through the walls.

When it comes to the type of music you should play in the background while meditating, experts recommend listening to music without lyrics. It can be anything that has a calming and relaxing effect on you, from classical music to sounds of the ocean, birds chirping, or the whistling sounds of the wind.

This super user-friendly sound machine helped me feel calmer, eliminate stress from my life and even sleep better at night.


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Wellness Captain