7 Sleep Habits That Could Reveal Disturbing Health Issues

By The Captain December 18, 2020

7 Sleep Habits That Could Reveal Disturbing Health Issues 1


Nocturia refers to a condition in which you need to urinate a lot during the night. Getting up to go to the bathroom several times per night can adversely affect the quality of your sleep and can also lead to other health problems.

Nocturia can be a sign that you already have an underlying health problem that negatively impacts your body’s ability to manage fluids. “Have yourself evaluated by your doctor. You may be experiencing signs of diabetes or possible prostate enlargement”, recommends chiropractor Alex Tauberg. Besides diabetes, certain medications or urinary tract infections can also trigger nocturia.

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Sleepwalking, also referred to as somnambulism or noctambulism, is when someone gets up and walks around, even performs complex activities, while in a state of sleep. This condition is more common among children, who usually outgrow it when they reach puberty.

As an adult, your sleepwalking tendencies might be in response to high fever, infection in the body, stress or anxiety, sedatives. Sleepwalking can affect the quality of life and even turn into a life-threatening habit. 58 percent of sleepwalkers, including those with fewer episodes experienced bruises, nose bleeds and fractures during their nighttime “strolls”.


7 Sleep Habits That Could Reveal Disturbing Health Issues 2 If you’re looking for more useful sleep-related content, check out our posts below:




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