9 Intimate Questions Men Are Too Afraid to Ask (Answered Here)

By The Captain April 5, 2021

9 Intimate Questions Men Are Too Afraid to Ask (Answered Here) 1

Finding the right doctor

Not only is urology a very complex niche of medicine, but it’s also a tricky one due to patients’ reluctancy in explaining their symptoms.

It doesn’t have to be that way for you.

And the first thing you should do to open up about your reproductive problems is to find a great doctor that matches your personality and mindset. Remember, you will be asked a series of intimate questions you have to answer honestly, so picking the right specialist is crucial!

According to Dr. Elliott, ‘some men prefer female doctors because there isn’t that competitive masculine thing. Other men don’t want to see a woman because they’re embarrassed.’

Many clinics are now offering virtual consultations too, which might make everything easier (and safer) for you.


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