9 Intimate Questions Men Are Too Afraid to Ask (Answered Here)

By The Captain April 5, 2021

9 Intimate Questions Men Are Too Afraid to Ask (Answered Here) 1

Kegel exercises are for women only, right?

Kegel exercises are most often recommended to women, which makes many of us think they’re designed for ladies only.

As Dr. Elliott points out, though, kegels can have a beneficial impact for men as well. In short, kegels mean training your pubococcygeus (PC) muscles by stopping the flow of urine intentionally with each urination; strange as it may seem, this exercise can work wonders for both men and women.

Specialists found that this practice can also help to cure erectile dysfunction, so you kill two birds with one stone. Bonus benefit? You also get to have a better time in the bedroom!


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Wellness Captain