Don’t Take These Meds Before or After Your COVID Vaccine, CDC Warns

By The Captain March 25, 2021

Don't Take These Meds Before or After Your COVID Vaccine, CDC Warns 1

Stop taking these meds one to two days before vaccination

COVID-19 and the flu have a lot of things in common, from the way they present in patients to the symptoms they cause. In fact, based on their commonality, a group of researchers discovered that ibuprofen or acetaminophen affected the immune response of patients to the flu vaccine and the same could happen in the case of the COVID vaccine.

According to one of the authors of the study carried out by the University of Rochester Medical Center, David J. Topham, PhD, unless you’ve discussed this issue with your doctor, pain relievers and fever reducers should not be taken one or two days before the vaccine (the flu vaccine) because they can dilute the power of the vaccine.”

Since COVID and the flu are so similar, the conclusion is that the same thing can occur to the power of the COVID vaccine.


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