Don’t Take These Meds Before or After Your COVID Vaccine, CDC Warns

By The Captain March 25, 2021

Don't Take These Meds Before or After Your COVID Vaccine, CDC Warns 1

OTC meds could hinder the body’s production of antibodies

Although there are few, if any, studies regarding the COVID vaccine’s interaction with ibuprofen or acetaminophen, researchers have their own assumptions as to what could happen should the two have a face-off.

For example, Ashley Ellis, PharmD, director of clinical operations for Compwell believes using over-the-counter medications before a COVID vaccine could blunt your body’s immune response because these OTC medications work as anti-inflammatories and block a pathway called the cyclooxygenase-2 (cox-2) enzyme”. Your body needs these enzymes to make B-lymphocytes, which in turn, produce high volumes of antibodies against COVID, the common flu and other viruses that a vaccine provides protection against.


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