10 Unexpected Times You Should NOT Use Hand Sanitizer

By The Captain April 21, 2021

10 Unexpected Times You Should NOT Use Hand Sanitizer 1

#6: You haven’t touched anything

As I was saying earlier, using hand sanitizer can easily become an addictive habit. Our desire to stay healthy can make us over-sanitize our skin without even realizing it (until it’s too late).

Many people are now sanitizing their hands even if they haven’t touched anyone or anything in the meantime; the habit is already in their subconscious, so they might not even be aware of it.

According to Dr. Coil, overusing sanitizers actually helps some bacteria evolve to the point they become resistant to it.

This study, for example, ‘showed that those bacteria have become more resistant over time, and even test the relevance of that finding in mice. It’s really not surprising: Bacteria can, and have, evolve to develop resistance to pretty much anything.’

Of course, we’re not talking about the SARS-CoV-2 virus here.

However, we should remember that there are plenty of other harmful germs, bacteria and viruses we must protect ourselves again.

One of them is even more common than you think – and hand sanitizers might not help! Check it out on the next page…


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Wellness Captain