
6 New Coronavirus Symptoms the CDC Wants You to Watch Out For

New Coronavirus Symptoms

Ever since the new coronavirus made its presence known across the globe, medical and public health experts have been constantly warning people about the main symptoms they should watch out for related to this viral infection: fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.

As more and more people have become infected all over the world, as well as in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified 6 new symptoms of this novel infection that people should watch out for, some more subtle than you’d expect.

“Respiratory symptoms tend to be the most common, obviously, but we’ve also seen symptoms that involve other organ systems,” Dr. Eric Cioe-Pena, an emergency physician and director of global health at Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, New York

“There are people that are asymptomatic carriers, and their bodies are doing a really good job containing it. And then there are other people who obviously have very systemic and bad symptoms. And then everyone in between,” he added.

Here’s what to look out for to help you recognize COVID-19 if you or someone you know develops it, according to the CDC.

New Coronavirus symptoms:


Medical and health experts have emphasized the fact that many of the coronavirus symptoms resemble flu symptoms. Experiencing chills or not being able to get warm is one of the latest warning signs added by the CDC on the coronavirus symptoms’ list.

Repeated shaking with chills

According to the CDC, chills accompanied by repeated shaking is another indication that you might develop COVID-19.

Muscle pain or weakness

Anyone who’s had the flu knows that your body aches all over, but the novel coronavirus can also cause muscle aches and pains. However, your pain, such as back pain, might be caused by other reasons like bad posture, so here are 5 Simple Tips to Keep Great Posture at Any Age.


Headaches can be caused by a wide range of factors, from stress to lack of sleep, caffeine withdrawal or infections but there are Ways to Ease Tension Headaches at Home.

However, the CDC announced that headaches have also been observed in many people with COVID-19 and can also represent a symptom of the novel viral infection.

Sore throat

COVID-19 is a respiratory infection that usually enters your body through the mouth and the nose, making your throat sore. Therefore, people have been warned that a sore throat could also be a symptom of the coronavirus.

New loss of taste or smell

Unusual loss or change in taste and smell, in medical terms dysgeusia and anosmia, have been added on the CDC’s list of new coronavirus symptoms after more and more COVID-19 patients have reported this sensory change in recent weeks.

Want to learn what’s true and what’s fake about the novel coronavirus? Then, read Busting The Top 5 Coronavirus Myths With The WHO.

Make sure your pandemic kit is complete! Check this guide!

According to the CDC’s latest report, these symptoms “may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus” and people might experience either the original symptoms, namely fever, cough and difficulty breathing, or a combination of the initially communicated symptoms and the newly identified ones. However, this list is not all-inclusive and people are advised by the CDC to consult their medical providers for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to them.

The Captain

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