10 Public Places You Should Still Avoid This Spring, Dr. Fauci Says

By The Captain March 24, 2021

10 Public Places You Should Still Avoid This Spring, Dr. Fauci Says 1

Be careful in restaurants

The economical situation of the restaurant industry has been heavily debated ever since the first lockdown was announced. Since then, restaurants from across the country have been closing and opening on and off depending on the local COVID-19 situation.

Just because restaurants in your area are open, though, it doesn’t mean you can safely go there too. Dr. Fauci always choses takeout versus physically being in a restaurant and there are many reasons for it:

  • You don’t know whether the table and chair you’re sitting at have been properly sanitized after the last customer;
  • You have to spend a considerable amount of time without a face mask around unknown people in an indoor environment; this is dangerous even if you maintain the recommended distance of six feet or more;
  • The staff may or may not take all precaution measures before and while serving food and drinks to their customers.

In simple terms, it’s just not worth the risk right now – not when we’re so close to mass vaccination.


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