10 Public Places You Should Still Avoid This Spring, Dr. Fauci Says

By The Captain March 24, 2021

10 Public Places You Should Still Avoid This Spring, Dr. Fauci Says 1

Going to the salon

We can’t go on vacation and now we know that bars and restaurants aren’t safe either. For many ladies, it seems like getting their nails or hair done is the only way they can escape this chaotic, seemingly never ending lifestyle.

Unfortunately, beauty salons aren’t that safe either; the most important reason is that you’re not maintaining the recommended social distance of six feet. Regardless if everybody in the salon is wearing face masks and gloves, it’s still an indoor space (which might also be poorly ventilated). Nail salons also usually involve spending more than 15 minutes there, which further increases your chances of infection.

Andrea LaCroix, PhD, explains that if you’re having any risks for complications or if you can postpone the salon visit, you should avoid it by all means.


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