Do I Have to Wear a Mask After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine?

By The Captain December 17, 2020

Do I Have to Wear a Mask After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine? 1

Dr. Fauci Anthony Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, clearly stated that until the country as a whole reaches herd immunity and the level of the virus is extremely low, we are not done with the pandemic…or, better said, the pandemic isn’t done with us. Given the reported efficacy of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, it has been estimated that the vaccination process will take several months, and the U.S. could achieve herd immunity as early as May.

If we also take into account that people are pretty skeptical about getting vaccinated, herd immunity might take an even longer time to achieve than planned. Until then…masks ON!

What do you think of the COVID-19 vaccines? Share your thoughts with us and let’s help each other out.


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Wellness Captain