Stay Safe during Covid19 Quarantine! We Made a Guide for You

By The Captain March 26, 2020

Exercise every day 

I have prepared a list of exercises that are beneficial for you and can easily be done at home, improving your strength, balance, flexibility, helping you to de-stress at the end of the day and keeping your immune system in shape.

A 10 minutes video that features exercises for warm up, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises and a cool down. You’ll need a stable chair, hand weights or evenly weighted objects, and a towel or fitness mattress



  • Here you find 7 strength, flexibility, and balance exercises that you can also perform in various places around the house using everyday items


Attention! You must hydrate, drink water before, during, and after exercising, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Also, you should wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Finding the Right Fitness Shoes and Clothes



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Wellness Captain