Undecided About Vaccination? Doctors Recommend This COVID Vaccine

By The Captain April 7, 2021

Undecided About Vaccination? Doctors Recommend This COVID Vaccine 1

According to Rogers, people with trypanophobia “have various degrees of anxiety or stress related to injections” but in most cases, they’d rather skip the shots. The fact that the J&J vaccine requires only one dose might still discourage those with severe needle phobia, but chances are, “those with generalized needle anxiety, a single shot might encourage some to take the COVID vaccine that they might have otherwise avoided,” Rogers explained.

If you’re also afraid of needles but want to be protected against COVID-19, try to avoid reading or watching stories about vaccines that might increase your panic before your appointment, advises Julie Leask, a University of Sydney social scientist and specialist in vaccine research.

And if you’re scheduled for COVID-19 Vaccine, Here’s What To Do Before Your Appointment.


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