7 Signs You Should Call 911 Right Away (And 5 False Alarms)

By The Captain March 25, 2021

7 Signs You Should Call 911 Right Away (And 5 False Alarms) 1

CALL 911: A fire

While this isn’t a medical emergency per se, any fire can become life-threatening in a matter of minutes.

Joshua Rogala, criminal defense lawyer based in Winnipeg, says that ‘even in circumstances in which you think you can put it out, you should always call 911 for a fire.’ It’s always better to have authorities nearby than to have the fire spread so quickly you can’t handle the situation properly anymore; these situations can always lead to tragedy for those involved.

Of course, you can call the local fire department as well, but since 911 is meant specifically for emergencies, you may get a quicker response there.


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