7 Signs You Should Call 911 Right Away (And 5 False Alarms)

By The Captain March 25, 2021

7 Signs You Should Call 911 Right Away (And 5 False Alarms) 1

CALL 911: Difficulty breathing

Darria Long Gillespie, MD, certified emergency department physician based in Atlanta, says that any type of unusual breathing is a valid reason to call 911. Here are the most common worrying symptoms:

  • Irregular breathing
  • Heavy breathing
  • Extreme wheezing
  • High-pitched breathing noises (known as ‘stridor’)

A simple 911 call can allow specialists to treat the underlying condition behind these symptoms on time to avoid any complications. In such cases, it’s usually better to stay at home and wait for doctors to arrive than transport the affected person to the hospital as their condition can worsen down the road.


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