Aging or Parkinson’s? Here are 13 Ways You Can Tell

By The Captain May 13, 2021

Aging or Parkinson’s? Here are 13 Ways You Can Tell 1


This is one of the key signs of Parkinson’s disease although, as we’ve mentioned earlier, it can also be a normal sign of aging. How can you tell the two apart?

Tremors caused by early Parkinson’s include sudden twitching or shaking of the chin, hands or legs. Another particularity is that these tremors stop if the person starts moving the affected part of the body.

Since Parkinson’s is a progressive disorder, the tremors are initially so subtle only the affected person may notice them. However, they can become more frequent and intense in time.

Interestingly enough, tremors start manifesting only on one side of the body and extend gradually to the other side as well.


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