COVID Nails – And Other 7 Strange Fingernail Symptoms

By M. C. November 19, 2021

Photo by Amy Planz from Shutterstock


If you’ve ever noticed ridges that look like little horizontal or vertical waves on your fingernails, you should see a doctor to find out why you have them.

Vertical ridges are considered benign and usually appear later in life. Horizontal ones, on the other hand, which are called Beau’s lines, are a sign of a more serious illness.

Vertical ridges might be linked to aging. The more you age, the more your nails become thicker or thinner, lose their smooth thinner, and begin to fissure and split. Those vertical ridges start from the tip of the finger down to the bottom of the nail, and you shouldn’t be concerned.

As always, if you’re not sure…consult a medic!


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