8 Natural Sleep Remedies That Will Help You Sleep Better

By The Captain December 23, 2019

8 Natural Sleep Remedies That Will Help You Sleep Better 1

Try melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain which signals that it’s time to go to sleep. Its production takes place in the absence of light, triggered by the dark, which is why melatonin levels are at their highest during nighttime.

Melatonin can help people fighting insomnia or poor sleep regulate their body’s internal clock, improve sleep quality and have a continuous sleep cycle without waking up during the night

8 Natural Sleep Remedies That Will Help You Sleep Better 2 Captain’s tip: Try melatonin supplements. Generally, doses between 0.2 and 5 mg are considered safe and efficient in helping you sleep better.

For more information on sleep supplements, check out this post!


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Wellness Captain