6 Disease Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

By The Captain April 28, 2020


You Keep Forgetting Things – Are you just getting older or is it Alzheimer?

As you get older, chances are you’ll sometimes forget where you left your glasses or the name of an ex neighbor. These small memory lapses happen and come as a natural part of the aging process. But if this happens more often than usual, you should pay more attention, as, loss of memory is also a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. 

One symptom of more serious memory loss is that you’re not aware there’s a problem. Family members might seem more worried than you are. If loved ones are talking to you about your memory, take their concerns to heart and see a doctor.

Alzheimer’s, which affects some 5 million Americans, most of them over 65, is irreversible, as stated by National Institute on Aging.

In most cases, there’s no great cause for worry. Just because you forget where you put your glasses or an appointment but remember it later, doesn’t necessarily mean you have Alzheimer. But if you ask friends and family for details over and over again, perhaps need them to do tasks that you used to do yourself with relative ease or if you have trouble with planning or solving problems that would have come naturally before you should be more concerned.

What you can also do, is to prevent Alzheimer or even slow the aging process, by taking care of the nutrients you consume. The foods you eat do matter for your brain health, and they’re the best way to get nutrients, apart from supplementing the natural sources with a lot of different antioxidants, like beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and resveratrol. They are in plant foods, such as berries, greenstea, and bell peppers and you can also find them in supplements like these below:

6 Disease Symptoms You Should Never Ignore 16 Disease Symptoms You Should Never Ignore 2


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