Are Vaccines That Safe? Experts Discuss 8 Popular Theories

By The Captain April 5, 2021

Are Vaccines That Safe? Experts Discuss 8 Popular Theories 1

  1. Our immune system can’t handle vaccines

This is one of the main parents’ concerns – especially when it comes to infants. Babies and small children seem so sensitive that giving them such a variety of vaccines artificially produced might just seem like too much.

Luckily, though, it’s all safe.

Scientists have looked into the number of antibodies in babies’ blood – and the results were amazing. Statistically proven, a baby can respond to up to 10,000 vaccines at the same time.

Right now, US public health officials are recommending 14 different vaccines to be administered to babies during their first years of life. Theoretically, even if those 14 vaccines were all administered simultaneously, our precious babies would still be fine.

Of course, this information is only valid for healthy babies without any increased risk of abnormalities or other underlying illnesses.


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