Are Vaccines That Safe? Experts Discuss 8 Popular Theories

By The Captain April 5, 2021

Are Vaccines That Safe? Experts Discuss 8 Popular Theories 1

  1. Natural immunity is better

Sometimes if you actually get sick from a disease and recover from it, you’ll get a better immunity than you would if you got a vaccine. This is perfectly true.

However, you must also acknowledge that the health risks of getting certain illnesses are extremely serious and might even be fatal. That’s where vaccination comes in.

For example, if you’ll just wait to get measles in order to become immune to it, your chances of passing away are 1 in 500. If you get vaccinated against measles, on the other hand, you’ll face a one-in-one million chance of experiencing severe allergic reactions or other unpleasant side effects.

Just by comparing the two scenarios we can tell that, in most cases, vaccination is a much safer alternative of strengthening your immune system.


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