Top 10 Strangest Side Effects Alcohol Can Give You

By The Captain March 15, 2021

Top 10 Strangest Side Effects Alcohol Can Give You 1

Unhealthy cravings

There’s a reason why so many people take a few sips of alcohol before mealtime: it makes them hungry.

In fact, this study published in Nature Communications analyzed rodents’ behavior after consuming ethanol (the basic ingredient for any alcoholic beverage). It only took three days of alcohol consumption until the rodents increased their food intake considerably.

This is also a neurological trick, though. Ethanol increases electrical hyperactivity of the brain area responsible for hunger – in simple terms, it gives you the illusion that you need more food than your body actually requires.

And when alcohol-induced hunger strikes, it’s almost never for salads and fresh fruit, but rather greasy burgers and fast-food.


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