Top 10 Strangest Side Effects Alcohol Can Give You

By The Captain March 15, 2021

Top 10 Strangest Side Effects Alcohol Can Give You 1


You’d think that alcohol can help you sleep better – or fall asleep easier – and many times it can trigger that effect. However, consuming alcohol daily even in small quantities can affect the quality of your sleep, especially the deep sleep that’s essential to help our body and mind recover.

According to this Finnish study published in JMIR Mental Health, moderate alcohol consumption can reduce the sleep quality by up to 24%. Of the 4,000 tested subjects, those who were drinking more than two beverages a day reported poor deep sleep quality by up to 40%.

Why? Well, alcohol is working as a sedative: the more your blood alcohol concentration increases, the sleepier you’ll get. However, this sedative effect is only working for up to three hours; afterwards, the concentration levels decrease drastically causing your system to turn back on. Therefore, you’ll wake up in the middle of the night from your deepest sleep as your confused body is trying to regain internal balance.


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