This Group of People Is More Likely To Give You COVID-19 Than Others

By The Captain March 10, 2021

This Group of People Is More Likely To Give You COVID-19 Than Others 1

How to stay safe during the pandemic

Weight is something you can somehow control. Keep a healthy and balanced diet, work out, at least moderately, especially if you are more prone to gaining weight faster, and follow the fundamental rules to prevent contracting and spreading COVID-19 in the first place.

Wear a mask that covers your face properly, preferably a double-layered one, avoid crowds, large gatherings or social gatherings with people outside your household, practice social distancing and proper hygiene rules such as washing your hands frequently and disinfecting high-touch surfaces. And don’t forget about vaccination the moment a vaccine becomes available to your demographic. This is How To Know Which Vaccine To Get, According To Dr. Fauci.

This Group of People Is More Likely To Give You COVID-19 Than Others 2 Looking for more useful COVID-19 related content? Our articles below may help:


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Wellness Captain