Weekly Health Horoscope – Best Prediction for 18 – 24 May

By The Captain May 18, 2020









LEO - Health Horoscope Prediction LEO – Health Horoscope Prediction for 18 – 24 May

Your energy reserves are at optimal levels this week, in the sense that the stars do not interfere with your mood or your physical well-being. So, it is up to you to manage your strengths carefully and enjoy a good shape on the weekends, when you have scheduled a series of quite important activities on a personal and household level

VIRGO - Health Horoscope Prediction VIRGO – Health Horoscope Prediction for 18 – 24 May

On Wednesday and Thursday, the Moon moves through the house of philosophy of life in your general horoscope, a sign that the middle of this week could come with some revelations, with some discoveries that will help you bring your personal beliefs up to date. All this period has provided you with many important lessons, and if you apply them from now on, you will be very successful in the future

LIBRA - Health Horoscope Prediction LIBRA – Health Horoscope Prediction for 18 – 24 May

This Friday’s New Moon is formed in a house often associated with your philosophy of life, which means that the second part of this week comes with some important changes in your system of values, principles and beliefs. This period has matured you a lot and it would not be a bad idea for the lessons received in these months to be somehow reflected in your personal beliefs.

SCORPIO - Health Horoscope Prediction SCORPIO – Health Horoscope Prediction for 18 – 24 May

The New Moon is forming this Friday in a house often associated by astrologers with great transformations at the soul level. It is therefore foreshadowed that, in the second half of this week, you will enter a period in which all kinds of feelings are mixed in your soul. Try to stay in control of yourself and not lose control in the face of this rollercoaster of emotions


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Wellness Captain