7 Simple Ways to Make Your Favorite Pizza Healthier

By The Captain February 10, 2021

7 Simple Ways to Make Your Favorite Pizza Healthier 1

  1. Add extra red sauce

If you like the red sauce flavor on pizza, then you’re in luck! This ingredient is filled with important nutrients such as vitamins A and C; more precisely, just ¼ cup of a tomato-based sauce can give you 8% of your DV for vitamin C and 2% of the DV of vitamin A.

Both vitamins can strengthen your immune system significantly, with vitamin A also maintaining healthy vision in the long run.

Additionally, red sauce contains lycopene, an antioxidant that can reduce your risk of serious diseases such as stroke and cancer, as per Harvard Health Publishing data.


RELATED: What’s All the Fuss About Antioxidants?


  1. Beware of the cheese

Well, not in the literal sense – but the cheese you pick for your pizza can literally make or break a healthy recipe.

Kimberlain points out that cheese provides you with valuable protein and calcium; however, many options are also overloaded with saturated fat or sodium. She recommends enjoying a 2% mozzarella or skim ricotta.

If you’re not a fan of either option listed above, you can just pick your favorite cheese and ask for a less amount.


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