
7 Simple Ways to Make Your Favorite Pizza Healthier

It’s been almost a year since the pandemic started. We’ve all gone through some rough times and at this point all we really need is a vacation – or at least a movie night.

Unfortunately, though, coronavirus cases are still on the rise and there’s no sign of them decreasing anytime soon. So what is the best way to spoil ourselves and forget about the horrific situation we’re in?


I’ve already discussed about emotional eating and how food has become a trigger that helps us feel better instantly. If you haven’t seen my post, you can check it out right here.

However, emotional eating isn’t always a good thing – especially if you’re a pizza or fast food enthusiast. Most of the times, these foods do more harm than good causing addiction and increasing our long-term risk for serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes or neurological conditions.

But does that really mean we should give up on the few pleasures we still have left in a world struggling with illness, economic crisis and depression?

Absolutely not!

Today, we’re going to have a look at 7 simple ways you can upgrade your favorite pizza and turn it into a healthy choice that improves your immunity all while maintaining that unforgettable flavor.


How to make your pizza healthier


  1. Add extra veggies

Although pizza is a ready-made product, there are endless ways to customize it for maximized health benefits. In fact, we should think of this wonder food as a canvas that we can paint any way we like.

Amy Kimberlain, RD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Miami, explains that adding as many vegetables as possible on your pizza increases your vitamin and mineral intake – both of which are essential for a strong immune system.

According to her, the best options for the classic red sauce pizza (in terms of flavor) are peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and onions. Even adding some extra basil can make a positive difference in the nutritional benefits of your final product!

Bell peppers, for example, are an excellent source of fiber, as a single cup gives you more than 11% of your daily recommended value. Fiber provides extra satiety to your meal while regulating digestive functions, as per Mayo Clinic.

Mushrooms are also on top of the list due to their high vitamin B3 content. In fact, the USDA points out that a single cup of raw mushrooms offers 21% of your daily value.

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The Captain

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