12 Toxic Lies the Food Industry Keeps Telling You in 2023

By The Captain April 4, 2021

12 Toxic Lies the Food Industry Keeps Telling You in 2023 1

#7. Organic foods are healthier

So now we know that some products aren’t entirely organic. But are organic foods really as healthy as we think?

According to this 2012 study from Stanford, organic products might be free from harmful pesticides (or contain less than their alternatives). However, aside from phosphorus, researchers didn’t find any nutrient that would be higher in organic foods compared to their non-organic competitors.

The team of researchers still concluded the study by encouraging consumers to turn to organic products due to their authentic flavor as well as the fact that they’re environmentally friendly.

However, this doesn’t mean you’re free to eat as many organic sweets as you like because the negative impact will be very similar to regular sweet treats.


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