
7 Health Benefits of Black Beans

Benefits of Black Beans

Black beans are part of the legume family and, like peas, chickpeas and lentils, are rich in protein and fiber. They also contain many essential vitamins and minerals known for their benefits to the human body. 

Black beans are ideal for bone health, but also for heart, due to the content of quercetin and saponins.

Among the benefits of black beans we can mention:


1. Maintaining bone health.

Black beans are rich in protein and fibers, but we can also talk about the iron content, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc. All this helps to maintain bone health and structure. Calcium and phosphorus are extremely important for bone structure, while iron and zinc play a crucial role in maintaining the health and elasticity of bones and joints. About 99% of the body’s calcium content, 60% magnesium and 80% phosphorus are found in the bones, which means that it is extremely important to assimilate these nutrients from our food.


2. Lowering blood pressure.

Maintaining a low amount of sodium in the body is essential for balancing blood pressure. Black beans are naturally low in sodium and contain potassium, calcium and magnesium, all of which are good for lowering blood pressure.


3. Ideal for diabetics.

Studies show that individuals who suffer from type 1 diabetes and follow high-fiber diets have low blood sugar levels. In addition, people with type 2 diabetes can improve their blood sugar, insulin and lipids. About 200 grams of black beans contain 15 grams of fiber. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends consuming 25 grams of fiber a day on a 2000-calorie diet. The amount may vary depending on the number of calories consumed.


4. Keeping you away from heart disease.

The content of fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6 and phytonutrients in black beans, along with its low cholesterol maintain heart health. These fibers help lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6 and folic acid prevent the accumulation of homocysteine, which in large amounts in the body can damage blood vessels and lead to heart problems.


5. Preventing cancer.

Selenium is a mineral not found in most fruits and vegetables, but it is present in black beans. It plays an important role in the proper functioning of the liver and helps in detoxifying the body. This prevents inflammation and the development of tumors. In addition, saponins prevent the multiplication of cancer cells, but also their spread in the body. Consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetables, but also from black beans are associated with a low risk of colorectal cancer. Being rich in folic acid, black beans play an important role in preventing the formation of cancer cells and mutations that can occur in DNA.


6. A healthy digestion.

Due to its high fiber content, black beans prevent constipation and ensure a healthy digestive tract. The berries are also ideal for healthy bacteria in the colon.


7. Getting rid of the extra pounds.

Because they are high in fiber, black beans help maintain satiety, thus reducing appetite for a longer period of the day. Numerous studies suggest that increasing the consumption of legumes decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and increases energy levels.


Nutritional values ​​of black beans

According to the National Nutrient Database, 120 grams of black beans contain approximately:


Calories: 109

Fat: 0.4g

Sodium: 461mg

Carbohydrates: 20g

Fiber: 8.3g

Sugars: 0.3g

Protein: 7g

Thiamine: 0.21 mgs

Niacin: 0.434 mgs

Folic acid: 128 mgs

Vitamin K: 2.8 mgs

Benefits of black beans are based on science:

FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture

Glycemic response to black beans and chickpeas as part of a rice meal: a randomized cross-over trial. Nutrients

Resistant starch as prebiotic: A review

Health benefits of dietary fiber



The Captain

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