Everything Donald Trump Eats in a Day: Disturbing or Not?

By The Captain December 4, 2020

Everything Donald Trump Eats in a Day: Disturbing or Not? 1

Healthier meal tips

Many people don’t even try to make their diet healthier believing they must change their entire lifestyle to make a differnece.

Fortunately, the truth is that small changes can make a huge difference and keep us healthier in the long run. Here are a few small, affordable things you can start doing right now to live a healthier life:

  • Add fruits to every meal. If your diet resembles Donald Trump’s, you definitely should increase your fruit and veggie intake. I highly recommend starting to add fruits to each meal (either as a side or a dessert) because they’re tastier and they give you an equal amount of nutrients.
  • Start eating healthy snacks. You don’t have to give up Doritos for plain salads to stay healthy. Many snacks are both healthy and tasty, including nuts, seeds or homemade chips.
  • Drink water. Believe it or not, staying hydrated can make a huge difference; it helps your body clean itself from toxins, promotes blood circulation and might even help you lose weight! Don’t believe me? Our post right here explains how drinking water can help you lose more weight than you think!

Click on the next page to get our personalized meal plans FOR FREE…


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Wellness Captain