Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions

By The Captain March 2, 2021

Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions 1

#11: You’re taking some medication

Certain types of medication can leave you feeling hungrier than usual, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you know how to manage your meal choices properly.

Some of the most common medications that have this impact are antidepressants, mood stabilizers and anti-seizure drugs. In isolated cases, insulin recommended for diabetes can also increase your hunger throughout the day.

Many women are also reporting that their appetite increased after starting to take birth control pills, although there’s not enough research to confirm the theory.

If you’re onto some form of medication and you suspect that it makes you hungrier, the wisest choice is to simply tell your doctor. If they can’t recommend a different treatment, they may help you create a healthy eating schedule to avoid overeating and unwanted weight gain.


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