Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions

By The Captain March 2, 2021

Always Hungry? Experts Explain 10 Possible Reasons & Solutions 1

#3: You’re eating refined carbs too often

Remember when I said that you’re probably eating protein sources that do more harm than good? Well, most of those highly processed meals I hinted towards have dangerous amounts of refined carbs.

Why are refined carbs so bad? Well, there are two reasons: they have almost no nutrients at all and they give you a spike in blood sugar levels. Whenever you have a blood sugar spike, your insulin levels increase instantly – and when insulin starts releasing all that extra sugar, you get what’s popularly known as a sugar crash. All this harmful process can leave you feeling extremely hungry while increasing your long-term risk for heart disease and cancer.

The easiest way to spot foods rich in refined carbs is to think of those that have white flour: breads, pasta and baked goods. Note that soda and candy are also dangerously rich in refined carbs, so you should pay attention to them too.

If you’re a bread enthusiast, don’t panic! You don’t have to give up on your favorite food just yet if you know how to spot the healthiest options. Our guide on Bread from A-Z: Health Benefits, Risks and Bonus Tips to Eat it Right gives you all the information you need to enjoy bread risk-free.


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Wellness Captain