10 Things in Your Freezer You Must Throw Away NOW

By The Captain March 15, 2021

10 Things in Your Freezer You Must Throw Away NOW 1

Freezer-burned meat

The term ‘freezer burn’ refers to an unfortunate, yet unavoidable phenomenon that happens especially with meat. Basically, if you keep any meat in the freezer for too long, it will lose its taste and moisture. Regardless of how you cook it, freezer-burned meat will have a dry texture that doesn’t exactly make you drool.

You can prevent freezer burn by sealing your meats tightly before throwing them in the freezer; even so, though, you shouldn’t keep them for too many months or else they’ll become completely useless.

Another great freezer hack would be to write down a list on your phone or notepad of every food you have inside your freezer and its ‘expiration’ date. This way, you’ll never forget what you have in there and you can enjoy each food or ingredient on time.


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Wellness Captain