10 Things in Your Freezer You Must Throw Away NOW

By The Captain March 15, 2021

10 Things in Your Freezer You Must Throw Away NOW 1

Stale coffee beans

Not everybody is storing ground coffee in the freezer – but if you are, know that you’re doing the right thing! This simple practice can keep coffee beans fresh for much longer than if you would’ve kept them at the room temperature.

Keep them in the freezer for too long, though, and they’ll slowly (but surely!) start absorbing the moisture around them; with moisture can come smells and tastes from every ‘neighbor’ they have, including meat, veggies and other stored ingredients.

Honestly, the best way to prevent this issue is to make sure you buy just enough coffee beans that you can consume them within a relatively short span of time.


RELATED: Why Do So Many People Add Salt to Cheap Coffee?


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