
5 Important Reasons Why Broccoli Should Be Part of Your Diet

Benefits of Broccoli: 5 Important Reasons Why It Should Be Part of Your Diet

It may not be a superfood, but the amount of nutrients broccoli has, makes it a game-changer for any diet. This edible cruciferous vegetable earned its popularity due to children’s supposed repulsion towards it; cook it right, though, and broccoli may turn out to be an incredible addition to any meal of the day.

If you haven’t given broccoli a chance until now, I highly recommend that you do! To convince you, I made this list of 5 reasons why everyone should eat broccoli constantly. Let’s have a look:

It’s packed with nutrients

Only one cup of broccoli offers 135% of the RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) of vitamin C. Can you imagine that? Furthermore, this plant is filled with fiber, healthy carbs, protein, vitamins (A, C, K, B9) along with potassium and selenium.

It promotes heart health

Broccoli contains fibers and fatty acids that help regulate cholesterol levels and blood pressure in the body, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Steamed broccoli is particularly recommended to maintain heart health. Due to a compound called sulforaphane, broccoli also has anti-inflammatory properties.

It protects against cancer

Broccoli contains certain bioactive compounds that reduce cellular damage and protects against various types of cancer such as bladder, prostate or breast cancer. Although more studies are required, it’s still good to know a healthy diet can reduce the risks altogether.

It supports your immune system

Your immune system needs multiple nutrients to stay strong and fight against diseases. The most important nutrient for a strong immune system is vitamin C, and luckily, broccoli is packed with it. In fact, a half-cup (78-gram) serving of cooked broccoli provides almost 85 percent of the RDI for vitamin C.

It protects against sun damage

With summer in full swing, most of us go to the beach for some good, old-fashioned sunbathing. Apart from a proper beach skincare routine, eating the right foods, like broccoli, can also protect your skin from UV radiation and sun damage. Due to its bioactive compounds, consuming broccoli can reduce the risk of skin cancer after sun exposure.

Captain’s tip: Broccoli is not the only vegetable good for your health! See also 5 Amazing Health and Nutrition Benefits of Carrots and 7 Health Benefits of Black Beans!

The Captain

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