9 Foods and Drinks You Should Stop Eating On An Empty Stomach Right NOW

By The Captain November 2, 2020



Tomatoes are full of surprising perks for your health, from protecting your heart health to improving your vision and your skin. But these fruits treated as vegetables can also cause quite the discomfort when eaten on an empty stomach. The main reason for their negative effects on your stomach and digestion is because they are high in tannic acid, which can increase the acid levels in your stomach. This, in turn, aggravates reflux and causes gastric discomfort, including gut problems.

Read also 9 Foods That Look Delicious But Could Potentially Kill You!

granola cereals


There’s nothing more convenient than a bowl of cereals for breakfast. However, you might want to refrain from consuming cereals on an empty stomach from now on, for a number of reasons. One would be that cereals are full of sugar, which can increase your blood sugar and insulin levels. What’s worse, after the initial boost of energy, your blood sugar will drop and you’ll feel sluggish, craving more sugary snacks.

In a 2013 study, obese adults who didn’t have breakfast were compared to those who consumed cereals and to those who ate eggs in the morning. The adults who ate eggs felt more satiated, for a longer period of time and didn’t feel the need to eat snacks high in sugar, compared to the other participants.

To avoid unhealthy cereals, check out these 5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas You Should Include in Your Diet.


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