These 11 Foods Help You Destroy Germs and Viruses, Science Says

By The Captain March 25, 2021

These 11 Foods Help You Destroy Germs and Viruses, Science Says 1

Antioxidant bomb: Spinach

Unfortunately, spinach isn’t exactly adored although it should make it to our diets at least once a week.


Firstly, the green leaves of this wonder plant are packing plenty of beta carotene, antioxidants and vitamin C. Eating these three valuable compounds at the same time gives your body all the nutritional resources it needs to fight off any dangerous invaders like bacteria or viruses.

If you want to get the full benefits of spinach, though, make sure to cook it as little as you can. Much like broccoli, the more you cook it, the less nutrients you get (especially antioxidants).

You can go for raw spinach by adding it to your salad to avoid cooking altogether while enjoying the overall flavor of your dish. If you really don’t like the spinach taste, though, you can hide it in your morning smoothie; our strawberry spinach smoothie recipe right here will teach you how!


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Wellness Captain