These 11 Foods Help You Destroy Germs and Viruses, Science Says

By The Captain March 25, 2021

These 11 Foods Help You Destroy Germs and Viruses, Science Says 1

Fighting off infections: Garlic

Have you ever wondered why so many recipes contain garlic?

Aside from guarding us from vampires, of course, this vegetable has been used since ancient times to fight off infections – and now we know the science behind it too.

Garlic is very rich in sulfur-containing compounds like allicin. These compounds literally make your immune cells stronger, which helps you fight off common colds, the flu and even viruses (COVID-19, I’m looking at you!).

Specialists advise us to eat up to three garlic cloves every day, which is indeed a lot for most people unless you have serious garlic practice. However, even tiny bits of garlic tossed into your favorite dish can make a big difference and keep you healthy.


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