The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods

By The Captain March 22, 2021

The Potus Diet: 17 U.S. Presidents and Their All-Time Favorite Foods 1

Ever heard of the saying “you are what you eat”? It turns out what you eat can reveal a lot about your personality, experiences and beliefs that shaped your identity. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that presidents have also been “investigated” throughout the years in terms of what they liked to eat, in an attempt to determine whether or not their favorite foods reflected their personalities.

While some enjoyed all-time, American staples, others preferred foreign cuisines such as the French or the Italian ones. While some were quite simple and frugal when it came to their food choices, others had a well-developed and more refined palate.

Curious to know what our former presidents swore by when it came to food? Then read on to discover some presidential favorites, from the beginning of the republic to the current times.


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