Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet? This might be why

By The Captain January 10, 2020


You’re eating too much dairy

Despite being low-carb, dairy can be quite problematic for some people. That’s because even if they are low in carbs, dairy products are quite high in protein. Similarly to carbs, due to their amino acid composition, protein can cause massive insulin spikes, promoting energy storage and inhibiting the breakdown of fats. No wonder keto dieters are told to avoid whey protein.

It might seem like dairy products do not affect you but consuming them too much will eventually affect how your metabolism adapts to a low-carb diet and prevent you from reaping the real benefits of such a diet.

Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet? This might be why 1 What you can do:  Cut back on milk, cheese, and yogurt. Being lower in protein and lactose, butter is better and won’t cause insulin spikes.


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