Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet? This might be why

By The Captain January 10, 2020


You’re cheating too often

Cheat meals are not frowned upon when following a diet. In fact, nutritionists recommend having cheat meals once in a while, as long as you keep them in check.

Some dieters are able to control themselves and have occasional small cheats. For the less unfortunate others, particularly foodaholics, having cheat meals can significantly ruin their weight loss process and goals. For instance, if you think 1-2 cheat meals a week don’t mean anything, thing again!

Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet? This might be why 1 What you can do: Eliminate all sorts of temptations like junk foods or sweets from your house or workplace drawer to avoid harming your health and weight loss plan. Here’s one way to do it!


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Wellness Captain