
Coronavirus in The United States – Latest Updates

Coronavirus – Latest Updates

The coronavirus crisis is far from being over, as much as we would like to get on with our lives. Although the numbers or new cases and deaths have declined nationally, the virus continues its silent, and sometimes deadly, march across the United States.

Numbers you need to know today:

  • 1,480,349: The number of people infected with the new coronavirus as of May 18, 2020
  • 89,407: The number of deaths in the United States from the virus so far, according to CDC reports.
  • 4.16 million: The number of coronavirus tests performed in the United States so far, according to reports from The COVID Tracking Project.

At the end of February, most coronavirus cases in the United States were travel-related cases. But in March the situation got out of control and the virus had reached every state, infecting more Americans than the combined cases in Western Europe, and killing more people than the Vietnam War (an estimated 58,300). Progress has been made due to the social distancing and lockdown measures, but new hotspots continue to appear and hundreds more people are losing their lives every day.

Top 5 states with recent growth in newly reported cases in the last 14 days:

  • Texas 49,788
  • North Carolina 19,121
  • Minnesota 16,381
  • Arizona 14,170
  • Alabama 12,086

New York and New Jersey remain, by far, the country’s most affected states but the number of new cases has slightly dropped in recent days, prompting authorities to consider a slow reopening of the economy. Other states have also taken steps to reopen, but officials have warned that the virus was still a threat and people should continue with social distancing and hygiene measures.

Learn how to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic with the help of this safety guide!

In the meantime, in an unparalleled global response to a disease, nations and companies all over the world are trying to come up with a vaccine that would put an end to the pandemic and allow us to live our lives without fear of getting infected.

The World Health Organization met with world leaders from Europe and other countries at the end of April to discuss a possible vaccine.  President Trump, however, attacked the WHO and refused to take part in the meeting, recently accusing them of being a ‘puppet’ of China. Despite the conflict with WHO, the US government is planning on having 300 million vaccine doses of one or more vaccines by the end of the year as part of “Operation Warp Speed”.

According to WHO, of the eight vaccines currently under development, four are undergoing clinical trials in China, one is the Oxford vaccine and three are being developed by American companies Moderna, Inovio and Pfizer.

Here’s a complete guide on how you can protect yourself in every possible way during the coronavirus outbreak.

The coronavirus is not the end of the world, but it has given us a foretaste. We might have been forced to reorder and readjust our lives, but we can still try to make the most of it, even in these unprecedented and difficult times. These effective guidelines can offer you a helping hand:

The Captain

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