Weight loss

8 Signs Your Diet Is Ruining Your Waistline

If you are frustrated by the fact that you’re gaining weight and genuinely don’t know why, here are eight warning signs that suggest you might want to take a closer look at some of the things you do. Want to stop the scale from creeping up? Read on to find out what might be ruining your waistline and how to stop extra weight from adding up.

What’s ruining your waistline?

You’re eating beyond satisfaction

It may be difficult to control yourself in front of a delicious pizza, a tasty hamburger, or a delectable dessert. But at least you know what to expect from this type of food. However, if you opt for healthier foods in hopes of losing some extra pounds, but continue eating even after you feel like you’re about to explode, then you’re in for a surprise.

According to Brooke Glazer, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition consultant, it’s not the type of food you consume that adds inches to your waistline, but the amount you eat. In other words, overeating, even on healthier foods, can also make you gain weight. Her advice? Stop eating when you feel satisfied and comfortably full. Tomorrow is another day, you don’t have to eat it all in one sitting.

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