7 Signs You Should Call 911 Right Away (And 5 False Alarms)

By The Captain March 25, 2021

7 Signs You Should Call 911 Right Away (And 5 False Alarms) 1

DON’T CALL: Child fever

For parents, there’s nothing scarier than witnessing your child getting sick – especially if we talk about newborns or small babies. Scary as it may seem, though, recording a fever doesn’t always count as a medical emergency.

If your child starts having fever, you can call their pediatrician to start administering the right medicine for their age and weight. Additionally, you can use cool, damp washcloths until the fever starts disappearing.

Depending on how long the fever lasts, as well as other symptoms, your doctor may recommend a COVID-19 test to rule out the possibility of an infection.

ATTENTION! If you have an infant with a fever over 100.5°F, you should call the pediatrician immediately because they need medication to reduce the fever. Furthermore, if a child has a temperature of more than 104°F, you can take them to the pediatrician or the ER just to make sure there are no underlying causes.


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