
12 Toxic Lies the Food Industry Keeps Telling You in 2023

The first thing I thought when I stumbled upon this information was:

I don’t think the food industry can still lie to us.

I mean, we live in the digital era where information travels at the speed of light; if somebody – especially a food brand – would lie to us, we would find out instantly. Then we also have the Food and Drug Administration with its extremely strict rules for food labeling and ingredients; they wouldn’t let us eat toxic meals, right?

As with many other things in life, that’s just the theory. In real life, we’re still eating plenty of extremely unhealthy foods that damage our bodies beyond repair – and I’m not just talking about fast-food here.

Did you know that grass-fed beef doesn’t come from cows that eat just grass?

Or that organic products aren’t any more nutritious than the regular ones?

I feel like it’s time to put an end to these popular myths (and more) that just take money out of our pockets unnecessarily.

Today, we’ll see a top 12 most toxic lies the food industry has been telling us for way too long.

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The Captain

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