12 Toxic Lies the Food Industry Keeps Telling You in 2023

By The Captain April 4, 2021

12 Toxic Lies the Food Industry Keeps Telling You in 2023 1

#1. ‘Natural’ foods are healthy

Over the past few years, the FDA has been imposing strict restrictions on many terms food manufacturers use to attract clients. Nowadays, words like ‘gluten-free’ can’t be used by everybody, which definitely keeps us healthier!

However, the FDA still hasn’t regulated the word ‘natural.’

This means that any manufacturer can use it for their marketing strategy regardless if their product is indeed healthy or not.

Unfortunately, this practice has already harmed many people. CBS reports indicate that more than 300 customers filed lawsuits for being tricked into thinking a certain product is ‘natural.’

The FDA has currently regulated the word ‘natural’ for egg, meat and poultry products. However, it only means that such foods have been ‘minimally processed’ but they can still contain antibiotics or other harmful substances.


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Wellness Captain