8 Possible Reasons You Feel Hot All the Time

By The Captain March 18, 2021

8 Possible Reasons You Feel Hot All the Time 1

Perimenopause or menopause

Usually, perimenopause begins when women are in their 40s but in some cases it can also occur to much younger women. In the years preceding your menopause, your hormones can go completely out of whack, making you feel all sorts of things, overheated being one of them.

Normally, during the night, your body should be capable of regulating its internal temperature to facilitate sleep, but when this doesn’t happen, you can blame it on your hormones. If you start having unexplained hot flashes, check your family history.

8 Possible Reasons You Feel Hot All the Time 2 How to solve it: If you know that your mother had the same condition, check with your doctor and try to come up with something that might help you like taking vitamins, exercise, try a different diet or hormone therapy.


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