8 Popular Weight-Loss Diets That Could Be Total Disasters For You

By The Captain August 28, 2020


The grapefruit diet

Grapefruits have numerous health benefits, promoting skin health and cardiovascular health among other things. They are low in calories and packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, as well as potassium. Something they do no have is mysterious fat-burning properties like the Grapefruit diet advocates.

The diet goes like this: for 10 to 12 days you eat nothing but grapefruits. As much as you love this exotic fruit, there’s nothing healthy about relying for your nutritional intake solely on one food. According to Kelly Plowe, MS, RD , “while grapefruits are good for you, the health and fat-burning promises of the grapefruit diet are not evidence-based. The diet’s small portions and limited food options are not sustainable, and grapefruit has a high risk of interacting with many medications and conditions.”


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